You got it. Democrats control the The Crane Wives Tour shirt 2024 shirt besides I will buy this sun and the moon. What are the flimsy lies of a man like Trump compared to that? Maybe come over to the winning side. Most of the same fundamentals exist as if you are investing back home, but I will deal with some caveats later in the answer. And what have Republicans done that is so stellar? Started another impeachment show to keep folks like you distracted? Not at all. That is why he is refusing to take questions from reporters. That is also why he insults the American public by calling them fat and challeging them to push up contests. Did it remind him to falsely deny trying to extort the President of Ukraine by illegally withholding US military aid in exchange for pretending to launch a fake investigation into his political rival? Running out of material to troll with, huh? This is by far the Stupidest Question of the Month So Far. What life like as a functional idiot (51-70 IQ)? Inflation is hurting Bidens popularity in the US, but most of the world, with the exception of Russia and North Korea, thinks that Biden is a much better President than Trump. Most of the world saw Trump as a fascist buffoon. No,. it’s the problem with Trumpers who clearly have not bothered to listen to his threats for his next imaginary reign.
By calling it the The Crane Wives Tour shirt 2024 shirt besides I will buy this “plandemic” are you confessing that you’ve been wrong about everything for the past several years? Because this isn’t an election to decide whether Joe Biden should be President. It’s to decide whether Biden or Trump should be President. So one-sided evaluations of either candidate without comparison to the other candidate is irrelevant to deciding how to vote. But every day on Quora Trump trolls post dozens of “questions” inviting you to consider Biden in come context or other without any reference to Trump. To repeat: This election is not a referendum on Biden’s presidency. It is not about how cities are run on Biden’s watch. It’s not about Biden’s character, or his relationships with other countries’ governments, or his sanity.