I don’t see how it’s fair to compete against natural born women, whose muscle structure and build is not the We got Five One two Three four shirt In addition,I will do this same. Should not be allowed because of that. It wouldn’t even be fair if it was chess, because of the biological differences there. There is more to gender difference than the private parts. I am not suggesting that people shouldn’t be allow to change their private parts – of course they should have this right, assuming they are not seriously mentally ill and the other conditions already in place whereas not everyone who applies for it is granted it.
To people who say their is no difference in the We got Five One two Three four shirt In addition,I will do this muscles or brain structure of men versus women, I’d say go back to biology class. The hormone therapy can be stopped at any time by a male who changed to female private parts. Even with the hormones, it doesn’t completely change everything to what their body would be like if they had been born the opposite gender. I am not saying they can’t make the change, and I don’t care about which bathroom they go in once their private parts have changed. But, competing against people whose bodies are different isn’t right. The pelvis structure remains, i.e. their bones, their hips, etc.
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