On the The NFL 23 Draft Kansas City One day shirt and by the same token and flip side, why do people stay with people they think are cheating? One of my girlfriend’s ex got caught cheating on his wife, and instead of dumping him, his wife decided he just wasn’t allowed to talk to any other women and to make sure she has all his text messages mirrored to a computer, so she can read them. In my opinion, falling back in love with someone after being hurt by them is merely a choice; it’s a difficult thing to do bc once you’ve been hurt, trusting that person is harder the second time around, especially if you aren’t sure whether or not they have changed their behavior. This is why falling back in love w/ somone requires adequate time to discover if you can dismiss what happened in the past. You wouldn’t want to feel paranoid all the time or find yourself questioning their every move once you get back with them. So, forrgiveness and space are needed first. After you’ve had time to clear your head, you will know whether you want that person in your life again.
3. When confronted with the The NFL 23 Draft Kansas City One day shirt and by the same token and accusation of betrayal, did the other person tried to put the blame on someone else or excuse their actions because of something else (An event or other person)? 4. Are you capable of forgiving without remorse, completely erasing the fact it was a betrayal and seeing that fact from now on as a learning opportunity for the other person? (that is, without bringing it up later on in life because the person stepped on your foot or left the toilet seat up). 6. Is the person capable of saying sorry to you in a sincere way, admitting their mistakes and making a commitment to learn and change the behaviour that caused the betrayal? love is an emotion and thrives only when it is mutual. one sided love dies easily. as it is an emotion so it does not mean that the other person must be having the same emotion. for ex- you are watching a romantic movie with her where she starts crying after a touching moment whereas you remain normal. if she behaves like you then it means that she is also in love with you. if she remains normal then it means that you are only a friend for her.
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