Aromatherapy, if you like the Slam cover orlando magic penny hardaway shirt Additionally,I will love this smell of it, can work wonders in getting you to sleep, and keeping you there. Look into lavender, vetiver, roman chamomile and bergamot, to name a few. Two drops on a cotton wool ball, or piece of screwed up toiled paper … take a big whiff and put it next to your pillow. (But don’t ever put full strength essential oil on your skin, it will harm you! And if you’re on any kind of medication, check with your parents first before you use any oil.) Make sure your bedroom is pitch black and quiet. Change it if it isn’t. And if you live in a city like New York, where noise can be inescapable, get a white noise machine or etc to counteract it.
You need to use the Slam cover orlando magic penny hardaway shirt Additionally,I will love this right light bulbs in your room. LED’s unfortunately are way too white-bright. There are lots of non-blue light options out there. If not, you can get an $8.50 pair of Uvex blue light-blocking glasses to read by. Make sure your bedroom isn’t hot (65F is best), and your bedding doesn’t make you hot (most important). Our bodies need to drop in temperature in order to go to sleep and stay asleep. And as counter intuitive as this sounds, getting about 30 minutes of sunlight as early as you can in the morning will help you sleep better. It helps set your body clock, and prepare its timer for the ‘sleep shift’ many hours later. By now you are probably thinking, “Oh heck, I shouldn’t have asked”, I’ll add one more point. What you eat, or don’t eat, can help you sleep too. Foods with magnesium & calcium are important, as are melatonin foods (drink tart cherry juice, its amazing). And you must eat foods containing the amino acid tryptophan, as it can’t be made by our bodies, and is the key ingredient in making serotonin and melatonin (the good things that help us relax and sleep.) Fish, chicken and pork all contain tryptophan, as do egg whites, parmesan cheese, sesame seeds, soya beans…(look up more).