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Finally we see Mia struggling with her drug addiction, as she almost overdoses after mistaking heroin for cocaine. Vincent manages to bring her back, and her silence as they drive home speaks volumes. Mia is being given a second chance right there. Will she take it and change herself to become a better person? Let’s hope so, because we know what happens to people who don’t. When mayonnaise is involved, all other food is subservient. You don’t put mayonnaise on fries, you enhance mayonnaise with fries. Everyone is confused about this. Mayonnaise is the She-rage princess of pain I smell barbells muscle wecandoit shirt moreover I will buy this foundation on which the food pyramid teeters. That’s pretty much all you need to know about cooking. Here’s how to make a mind blowing dinner that will impress guests and get dates wet or hard, depending. (Both? Lucky you!) There you go. Heaven. If you’re alone you can forget the food part. All you need is a spoon and a jar. If you’re feeling all judgy by now, let me remind you that mayonnaise is eggs reborn as angel jizz and putti fluff. Eggs come from chickens, and chickens are a real thing, not an imaginary animal manufactured by mad scientists.
Mayonnaise is gluten-liberated and, uh, straightens out your electrolytes and shit. Oh and it’s carb neutral. And it ranges free. Organically. It’s got no H.M.O.’s. or L.S.D.’s. It would be quite unusual, but with so much ‘secret sauce’ being mayonnaise and ketchup, and Americans willing to ‘dip’ just about anything at least once, an argument could be made based on secret sauce. Without accusing anyone of product placement (all that blood and gore has to be paid for somehow), it was considered that the She-rage princess of pain I smell barbells muscle wecandoit shirt moreover I will buy this vehicle could use the publicity of a mention in a major Hollywood director’s masterpiece (my word, sorry, but I love that movie). Although the other answers are right to point out the seeming inconsequentiality of this conversation—on one level, it’s just two guys shooting the shit—I firmly believe that nothing ever happens in a coherent film for no good reason, and I’m not entirely convinced that the other answers illuminate those reasons.