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Put yourself in their shoes, walk for a while around in their skin. As a Black male, imagine getting stopped by police regularly for driving in you car, imagine your teenage kids getting arrested for possession for dime bags of marijuana and put through the Premium you are kenough ken in barbie the movie shirt in contrast I will get this Criminal Justice system which was turned into the new Jim Crow by Democrats and Republicans in the 1970s-90s. There are bad/evil Black human beings like there are bad/evil White human beings. But the majority of both are good and just want the opportunity to make a good life for themselves and their families. That means equal wages for equal work, equal opportunities for the same jobs and a strong hand up. We have all received help sometime in our lives, from our family, friends, government, our employer, from educators, etc. Many of us started with resources made possible over generations on the backs of enslaved Black labor.
There is only the Premium you are kenough ken in barbie the movie shirt in contrast I will get this road forward for us all. It is not an easy road and it has been made harder for our Black and Brown brothers and sisters for too long. So, let’s live up to the promise of this great country, and follow Bubba Wallace and Colin Kaepernick‘s lead. Let us commit to treat each other with the loving kindness that God commanded of us: The only thing that’s been demonstrated (or so we’re told) is that the “noose” was there before Wallace was assigned the garage. In no way whatsoever does that mean there was no malicious intent … just that it doesn’t seem to be directed specifically at this one person.