Beyond all that though, the Premium tampa Bay Rays Sunshine Rays Up 2023 shirt but in fact I love this Confederate flag is still used by some Southern states in an official capacity. It flew at half-mast yesterday, in fact, in South Carolina; this was quite controversial apparently, to some. Confederate Flag on SC State House Grounds Provokes Anger However a state (Texas for instance) can apparently deny your right to have it as a ‘specialty license plate’ which you purchase from their DMV. The Supreme Court just dealt the Confederate flag a blow. Here’s how. Of course, that doesn’t mean that you can’t still put one on your car yourself, whether a sticker or a real one. Because that would be personal free speech and expression and thus 1st Amendment-protected. But the issuing of license plates, SCOTUS apparently narrowly ruled, would instead fall under ‘government speech’ rather than personal expression (such as something you put on your own vehicle, for example). To put it another way, think of how impossible it would be to ban, in the United States (as they have banned in Germany), the “Roman salute” / Nazi sieg-heil, stiff-arm salute, or the publication or sale of a book like Mein Kampf.
That would be unthinkable, to many Americans, to actually ban a book; even when they hate the Premium tampa Bay Rays Sunshine Rays Up 2023 shirt but in fact I love this book’s contents. At the end of the day you can chalk this up to just one more difference in cultures, and difference in the ways in which many (perhaps most) Americans, and many Europeans, seem to think and view the world and view government’s role and relation to citizenry. But the bigger truth here is that this was not a trivial decision. I assure you, in some anonymous cubicle is number cruncher who showed that it was going to be better for the business to risk alienating racist whites if it would help them attract a more multi-cultural market demographic.