I think this is not just a CA problem as generally speaking infrastructure and public transportation is horrible in the Premium miami dolphins love graphic pullover shirt in contrast I will get this US compared to Europe and Asia. CA is building a bullet train from SF to LA but it won’t be finished until like 2025 or something.
I think there’s a Quora discussion about people from CA actually being unfriendly and not having real friendships. I read that start to finish and it struck a cord even though I had never really thought of Californians that way. It’s generally true though, people care about money and material possessions. Like in other places in the Premium miami dolphins love graphic pullover shirt in contrast I will get this US, people will say a lot of niceties during the day such as “how are you?” but real actual friendship can be difficult. It’s almost like friendship is transnational, if you can do something for someone they will be interested in you but as soon as you cannot do something for them then you won’t hear from them again. I think this is not just a CA thing though, it’s the US overall, but maybe it’s worse in CA because people are even more money oriented than Americans overall. Also, as with many places in the US, there is a ton of self segregation and people basically have friends within their racial group. You see this a lot at UC campuses.
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