MIC 2025 seeks to raise the Premium concrete forever tour no fighting shirt in contrast I will get this domestic content of core components and materials to 40 percent by 2020 and 70 percent by 2025. Which is where the economy has to evolve anyway, due to the changing labor structure. MIC isn’t about Chinese brands taking over the world. Rather, it is about Chinese brands developing home-grown technology to compete more prominently in the domestic market. This is no different from any country. Toyota and Panasonic dominate the Japanese market, so does LG and Samsung in Korea and GM and Apple stateside. There is nothing sinister about MIC 2025, except it will make Chinese brands more visible. Which cuts into the “easy money”—branding. That is why CSCEC isn’t attacked like Huawei. Expect ever wilder conspiracy theories about how evil Chinese are taking over the world by robbing and stealing everyone blind, as Chinese brands creep up the domestic, then global brand visibility index. Good luck trying to stop MIC 2025, because seriously, other than illegal tariffs, the rechurning of Taiwan/HK separatism, and a multidimensional and broad-base media flame war, America has not provided alternatives to MIC 2025.
The Chinese consumer will ask, do you have anything 90% as good but half the Premium concrete forever tour no fighting shirt in contrast I will get this price? The answer is no, which answers the question too. You ask ‘What kind of relationship does the US want to have with China in post-Covid-19 pandemic?’ I think that the US will be TOLD by China and the rest of the world the type of relationship there will be! It isn’t only China that is finished with Trump. We all are. The GOP, and a host of Americans, that do little more than harm themselves and throw brickbats at China and everyone else, are a real danger to us all. The damage that the US has done to itself, not only with its mishandling of the pandemic, but the last 3.5 years of attacks on ex-allies, but also everyone outside of the US. At this stage it seems obvious that America is a very real danger to themselves and to the rest of us. I have heard people suggest that there are a lot of Americans that hate what is happening with the US and I sympathise. I really do. But YOUR COUNTRY IS TOXIC AND DANGEROUS. What do we normally do with toxic lifeforms? We work very very hard to destroy them! America is today a toxic lifeform.
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