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Cover it. Cover it ruthlessly. Point out every damn failure he’s had. Every time he reports something like a failed airline deal (couldn’t save 1,200 US jobs, was responsible for keeping union jobs, lost $7 million) they had to hard work. Every time he says something crazy, ignore it, dismiss it, or show it as evil. Every time he says something important, analyze it and report it honestly (this mostly means bad things because of how bad he is). He has an approval rating of 30-40~%. If he gets stuck in the Pie le fleur shirt it is in the first place but crowd of breibart/fox news fans, he won’t give up on anything. When he gives up, inform him after the truth – a trump card needs to run from its place. WEAK! SAD! If he does something really good, report it. If he says something, check before reporting (90% of people hear it first, 10% get it right after) – this will prevent you from being the spokesperson. Since you don’t ignore him, you don’t legitimize breibart because they’re “the only ones covering Trump!” and they don’t expand beyond their current crowd.
What does it do? This makes YOU based on facts and facts while he is a crazy president who is on an unpopular website less than a quarter of the Pie le fleur shirt it is in the first place but US population knows about. Good luck in the next election, the President’s crazy pants! Trump is a con man who wants to be loved and admired. However, he is not a good person to women, or to immigrants, or to the disabled, or to the financially disadvantaged… Maybe it’s because of the 70 minutes of hiding and lying that Trump is allowed to said, with his bully and loud conversations. the patient voice of Caitlan Collins. And that’s why I agree with CNN’s decision. Like it or hate it, he’s by far the leading contender for the Republican nomination. And it’s hard to argue NOT giving him a town hall.