. Actually they are not perfect. First, many tests are unusable due to fatal errors. After this problem is resolved, there are too few tests to meet the Our revolution not me us bernie sanders shirt in addition I really love this needs of the country. America may finally get enough testing, but it’s too late. You can find out by clicking the link I added… Trump is particularly upset with Governor Cuomo, who on Tuesday said New York would need 30,000 ventilators to handle the influx of patients. He said the federal government had provided 400 ventilators and begged for more production. Governor Cuomo says NY needs 30,000 ventilators, begs the Fed
Trump was overly optimistic about what a return to normal economic activity could achieve. He said and I quoted; “The sooner we come back, the Our revolution not me us bernie sanders shirt in addition I really love this better.” Seriously!!?? This is a big mistake. Trump seems to think there is some sort of compromise between public health and the economy. that doesn’t have to be the case either.Reopening to social contact and economic activity early could make the spread of the virus much worse, which could take a toll on economy much more than the initial social distancing measures, despite Trump’s unexpected use of the phrase, “Healing is better than disease,” unclear.
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