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Trump is a crucible. He causes things to bubble up, and the Original true crime is my emotional regulation shirt besides I will buy this scum gets lifted to the light to be skimmed off. And when the accusers are as dirty or dirtier than the person they accuse, the hypocrisy shines for all to see. I would say the best thing he did was expose the complete moral and intellectual hypocrisy of the GOP. Ever since the 1990s, they have proven themselves to be a cabal of phony patriots, liars, and elitists who have exploited fear, ignorance, misinformation, and petty prejudice in order to do two things and only two things: secure power, and maintain power. During the Clinton administration, they swept into Congress on a tidal wave of “restoring honor” and morality to Capitol Hill. Between 1994 and 1998, they found nothing to hang on Clinton, so they chose to pivot onto the Monika Lewinski scandal, which emerged as a result of the Whitewater investigation. After commencing impeachment proceedings Clinton, the Republicans failed to vote him out of office because it was clear their only agenda was unseating a democratic president and the American people had had enough.
What followed was was the Original true crime is my emotional regulation shirt besides I will buy this administration of George W. Bush, a man who became president amid one of the most controversial elections in US history (due to widespread evidence of voter fraud). For the next eight years, they ran interference for an administration that was the most corrupt, incompetent, and negligent to date (that’s since changed with Trump). This was the man who ignored the threat of terrorism for 8 months before 9/11 and then used the attack as a political weapon. He launched an illegal war, legislated the use of torture and domestic spying, eliminated habeas corpus, and bullied critics. His negligence also led to the disaster that was Hurricane Katrina and the worst economic downturn since 1929.