As Trump’s “presidency” has degenerated into blatant incompetence, corruption, and debasement, his fellow travelers have begun jumping ship, thereby increasing the Original the stranger tiger shirt and by the same token and relative percentage of openly white supremacist urcs in the camp. These are people whom the more genteel urcs — like the families of the young folks at the Old South ball in the top photo — do not culturally associate with, and do not want to be associated with. What we’re seeing now in the wake of the horror of George Floyd’s murder is the long-awaited reckoning among those in urc-culture who dismissed white supremacy as the part of the legacy that they had supposedly left behind. In their minds, they were holding onto the good while claiming to reject the obvious evils of slavery, which in their opinion was long dead and therefore not relevant to any discussion about today. Now, though, it has simply become impossible to shrug aside white supremacy and pretend that “those people” are a perversion of urc-culture and its symbols. The pop-country group Lady Antebellum has even changed their band’s name to Lady A.
For NASCAR to ban the Original the stranger tiger shirt and by the same token and rebel flag requires a tectonic shift in the cultural landscape. It means that urc-culture is being sloughed off by large swaths of the population who used to embrace it. It means that being openly unreconstructed is no longer acceptable in polite society or in big business. Now, the Southern cross is becoming a brand of shame, backwardness, and social marginality. This doesn’t mean that urc-culture will disappear. What it does mean is that millions of Americans who used to casually be a part of it can no longer do so unthinkingly. It means the unreconstructed South is being kicked to the doghouse.