What often confounds outsiders trying to get a grasp on Old South culture is that they want to fit urcs into some sort of demographic. They want to find the Original the menzingers tiger navy shirt besides I will buy this intersection of income, education, race, religion, and so forth where the urcs reside. But the only thing that defines urcs is urc-culture itself. (Yes, there are non-white urcs, albeit not many.) Urcs can be poor, working class, middle class, or wealthy. They can be Bible-believing Christians or never set foot in a church. They could be Republicans or Democrats, women or men, college educated or high school dropouts, executives or outlaw bikers. All that unites them is some degree of respect or reverence for what they perceive as the Old South. They will talk of the 3 H’s: heritage, history, and honor. They will talk of states’ rights and federal overreach. They will talk (often ad nauseum) about their family tree.
NASCAR’s traditional fan base is replete with urcs and, until now, has been intimately tied with urc-culture, each one being almost a proxy for the Original the menzingers tiger navy shirt besides I will buy this other. I’ve actually worked the infield at the Daytona Speedway, and let me tell you, you couldn’t swing a dead cat without hitting some represenatation of the Southern Cross. I was in a tiny town on the St. John’s River in central Florida on election night 2016. And I saw urcs out campaigning for Trump who I’d never seen come out for any candidate for anything before. Urc-culture got a huge boost from Trump’s election, and lots of urcs suddenly became politically active and very up front about their views. The way they saw it, their day had come.
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