In summary, you’re unlikely to get your arrest record purged without the Original slightly stoopid 2023 wantagh ny shirt and by the same token and assistance of an attorney, and even then, a complete purge might be impossible. Finger prints are taken for a lot of reasons during a criminal investigation. Even if you not officially a suspect, you could be printed to exclude you from the investigation. You can also be finger printed for administrative reasons, such as employment applications or even TSA pre-check. So, no, having a Finger Print identification number doesn’t indicate a criminal record. But it does mean they will ALWAYS be on file. Just in case you do something criminal. Ugh, I saw this too many times: people refusing to cooperate with booking. I once had a client with a lengthy criminal history. And he was arrested on some petty marijuana possession charge. He was known to the arresting department, but he refused to identify himself. So, they held him for 4–5 days. Didn’t let him use a phone. Didn’t let him write to anyone. Family and friends started to wonder where he was. Until he was able to get a phone call out (by letting another jail inmate make the call). So, I go down to the local jail to talk to the guy. And when I got there, the jailor denied having him in custody. “I’m sorry. We don’t have anyone by that name here.”
I stayed there for about 3 hours, trying to get someone to talk to who was going to explain their conduct and release or charge my client. And after a while, the Original slightly stoopid 2023 wantagh ny shirt and by the same token and desk clerk confirmed the sheriff knew I was there. And then a few hours later, I was told the sheriff wasn’t coming in. As he said he would. So, I ended up in the county Superior Court at 8 AM the next morning, asking for an emergency writ of habeas corpus. And the judge wasn’t too happy to hear my client’s sad tale of woe, the jailor’s game playing, refusing to let an attorney see his client, and that the sheriff lied to me. No, sir. The judge was not happy about that. So at about noon, a sheriff’s deputy (from neighboring county) and myself returned to the jail to haul this client and the county sheriff into court. Right now. Which the judge didn’t buy, and he ordered my client released, as he should’ve been arraigned days prior and there was no good cause for any delay.