If (sorry, whenever) Trump said something absurd, Sanders would come right back at him without missing a beat. And Sanders has a way of cutting through egotistical nonsense and getting right down to the Original simple plan barbie shirt besides I will buy this meat of matters, and Trump really doesn’t have a lot of meat on his political plate.
A Trump vs. Sanders contest would be painful to watch, because it would be painfully humiliating for Trump, and Trump (as we all know) would never allow himself to display public humiliation. It would be like a boxing match where one of the Original simple plan barbie shirt besides I will buy this boxers refused to lie down, and just stood there taking one bloody punch after another after another after another, until it’s impossible to imagine why (or how) he’s still in the ring. The Republicans have been hammering on the socialism thing for the last 60 years. This is the first time in my life that I’ve seen the general electorate lose its fear of socialism. Bernie Sanders has promoted a brand of socialism all through those years and there is reason to think he’s going to change one bit now.
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