My reading is that Biden is a very slight favorite, while Sanders is a draw. I’ll be exploring this more in my next answer. For now, suffice it to say that Bernie’s chances of beating Trump are about 50:50. It’s possible for Bernie Sanders to get the Original samoa joe – king of television shirt in addition I really love this Democratic nomination at this point, but extremely unlikely. Taking the District of Columbia primary and its 20 delegates and 25 super delegates out of the equation for the moment (since they haven’t voted yet), Bernie would have to persuade about 500 of the 577 super delegates who currently say they are going to vote for Hillary to switch their allegiance, going against both the endorsement of the President (and leader of their party) and the popular vote. It’s hard to imagine anything short of a mind control ray gun that would make that happen.
As for the Original samoa joe – king of television shirt in addition I really love this possibility of Hillary being indicted before the Democratic convention, I don’t think President Obama would have given her his endorsement if he hadn’t consulted with the Justice Department first and determining that an indictment was not forthcoming. The Democrat party is a centrist party with centrist leadership, centrist megadonors, and members who support centrist candidates like Hillary Clinton or Joe Biden. The party will go to the mat to protect their centrist ideology. They would rather lose elections to the Republicans than lose their established power within the party to progressives. Bernie is a progressive. That makes him a threat to centrists. That’s all there is to the answer. I’m registered independent in New York State. That means I couldn’t vote in this year’s Democratic primary. If I had voted, I’d have voted for Hillary.