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Another thing to consider is which clothes are SELL for boys and girls. In many schools in the Original i May Live In Alabama Be Long To Yankees shirt and by the same token and US, both boys and girls can wear shorts longer than 2 inches – but women’s shorts have not been sold in discount stores with a pant leg longer than 1 inch for at least the past 5 years. There really is no new affordable clothing that fits the dress code. In theory, they are allowed to wear shorts. In fact, if they show up in any pair of shorts they can afford, they’re breaking the dress code. Similarly, the summer sleeveless clothing rules are difficult to follow, as many high school girls’ short-sleeved shirts are cut “too revealing” to meet the dress code, while almost no sleeveless shirts are sold to boys except for underwear or training purposes. They have a lot of short sleeve but sleeveless options. Girls are few, especially since “no t-shirts” are nearly universal in the school dress code.

If you can afford to dress your daughter in Nordstrom or Land’s End, yes, you can find modest styles. But if Goal is the Original i May Live In Alabama Be Long To Yankees shirt and by the same token and most expensive part of your clothing budget, it’s getting harder and harder to stick to today’s dress codes, even if your daughter desperately wants it. The term casual today can mean anything from sportswear or sportswear to something office-appropriate, such as a shirt and chinos. Now it’s clear that there is a huge disconnect and the simple dress code alone is no longer enough. So, if you get an invitation with a polite dress code, I understand your pain.