Each person is so unique , and the Official milton berle’s Monster Hog Mad berle shirt and I love this relationship depends on my input too , so each one was very different. But I was surprised at how frustrated and hurt I became / I guess I thought that because I have experience of how the illness feels I would be more compassionate and patient and willing to give in to things that the other person needed. But it really only made me tougher in the sense of not tolerating bad behaviours. I still loved and accepted the person but I also really encouraged them to get help for their own sake and take responsibility for doing so.
The amount of hate pwBPD gets? That’s exactly what a pwBPD thinks. Did you ever stand on the Official milton berle’s Monster Hog Mad berle shirt and I love this position of non BPD partners? Did you check the traumatic experiences all non BPDs experienced? We love our BPD partners to death. It is pwBPD who destroy everything and leave us to suffer traumatic experiences, often wondering why the heck the years of relationship meant so little. It seems that is connected with the endless need to find “their place.” They often experience a sense of not belonging that they attribute to be caused by the people around, the job, the city or town they live at, etc. They imagine and dream that the “next” place will make them feel different, that they will find better people, they will have more friends, and they will feel “at home.”
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