It is sometimes difficult for foreigners to sell to smaller business owners. Trust is an issue and many of them have been exploited by web and tech companies, so you need to prove that you know them. Whatever you’re doing it’s the Official dr John In the Right Place shirt But I will love this end goal, so you can give them a well-developed website to do business with. You need to find your website, you need to blog, you need to appear on social media and you will most likely have to pay for Google Adwords or use social media advertising until you are discovered by Google. . Not much has been left behind (in many cases Trump has ruined contractors and unions), but has been abused and ignored. we form As Steve said, it’s the backbone of the economy, the backbone of the community. We can introduce innovation, we can provide jobs, and we must be supported and celebrated. It’s a 50/50 win-lose ratio, like a coin toss in any business. So a few throws may end in your victory, but you have to miss safely to be able to throw again.
PS: Join my Discord server to learn more, chat, listen to live lectures and share ideas for free with a great community of peers. Find the Official dr John In the Right Place shirt But I will love this link in my profile. Find a few influencers related to your niche and invite them or pay to promote your brand. Focus on influencers with few followers. Contrary to the “trend” that others have been doing for a long time, an entrepreneur is someone who can create something out of nothing. , take it to the sky Someone who starts at the bottom has no experience and is not afraid to take risks A creative and original person When I started about two years ago, I started owning the word “payroll” in Malaysia. We have decided to ban our competitors from using this word in Malaysia at all costs. Meaning that when people think of that word, they will think of that brand first. It works great if you think there’s a huge advantage first, because people’s decision to try or buy your product is formed in their mind and in the world of choice. Everything we do is centered around one word or message: payroll. Of course, we’re also an HR product, but we felt that our customer’s pain point was payroll, so we focused our product and marketing on payroll. Now, when you enter “salary” in Google Malaysia incognito mode, it will appear at the top before “Malaysia” or “Software”. Of course, we don’t own the “salary” in Malaysia yet. We can hardly come close, but we are going.