Whereas Republicans merely pretended to be right-wingers, fringe lunatics, outsiders, and birthers, Trump was all of these things incarnate. Whereas they only pretended to believe politically-expedient lies about a world where it was White Christian America against all the Official attention space Cowboys and cowgirls shirt and I love this brown people and Muslims, Trump actually embraced this worldview – hell, he made it the centerpiece of his entire campaign! And when he won the nomination, they all chose to bend the knee to him because the party took precedence over the country. And since the election, they’ve made their cowardice and extreme hypocrisy evident for all to see. After years of claiming Obama wasn’t tough enough on Putin or Russia, they were willing to back a candidate who actively colluded with both to undermine the election and become president. After seven years of bashing Obamacare, they backed a health care bill that would deprive 20 million Americans of coverage. After claiming Obamacare – which took months to create and almost a year to get passed – had been hastily created and “rammed down their throats” they threw a plan together in weeks and repeatedly tried to force votes where Congress wasn’t even allowed to read it!
After years of claiming they supported working people and wanted “fiscal responsibility,” they supported tax reform that would benefit only the Official attention space Cowboys and cowgirls shirt and I love this rich and balloon the deficit by an additional trillion dollars. And after years of feigning moral indignation about gay marriage or transgenders using the bathroom of their choice, they chose to back a known sex offender for President and a known pedophile for Congress. All of these practices are destroying them and preparing them for humiliation in both 2018 and 2020. And it’s all thanks to Trump. He is the embodiment of the GOP’s immorality, hypocrisy, blatant incompetence, and extreme dishonesty. He’s the monster that all their nonsense created, and the beast they cannot control but refuse to dismount (because they fear it will eat them). And when the beast is shot (i.e. impeached or arrested) they will be stranded and helpless.
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