Regarding housing, there is also enough place for 11 billion. Cities are much mure efficients than suburban and rural areas for people to live in. At the Not in my house boston bruins shirt in addition I really love this density of NYC, today’s world population fit in Texas. At Hoboken’s density, 11 billion people could fit in Texas. Water is more difficult to estimate. Total world rainfall is around 100,000 km3/year and available river runoff is 12,500 km3/year. Therefore 1,130 m3/year or 3,100 liters/day are available per capita. Few countries withdraw more than 1130 m3/year per capita (only Canada, US, Chile, Guyana, Suriname, Uruguay, Azerbaijan, Iran, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Estonia, Australia, New Zealand and Timor-Leste). Moreover it has been estimated that around 1,000 m3/year are enough for domestic, industrial, and agricultural purposes, so there is clearly enough water for everybody, the problem again is that it is unevenly distributed. In addition, cash crops are one of the main uses of water. Cotton alone utilizes 15% of the water withdrawn worldwide. Technological improvements are creating more sustainable alternatives to cotton and other “thirsty” crops.

Energy is a very different topic. Our current energy consumption is unsustainable. The richest 1 billion people produce roughly half of the Not in my house boston bruins shirt in addition I really love this CO2 emissions. If everybody consume energy at the rate of the richest industrialized countries, our planet could only sustain 2 or 3 billion people. There have been technological improvements to reduce the amount of CO2 emissions produce. However, energy consumption per capita is also increasing. For instance airplane travel requires huge amounts of energy, and space tourism requires even more. Unless major changes take place in the way we produce and consume energy, it will be very difficult to achieve the 1.5°C climate change goal.