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Squadgifts - Margot Robbie Cillian Murphy 7 21 23 shirt

However, color film was super-expensive, so most movies were still shot in B/W. In many cases, it was just a budget thing. But it was around this time that B/W went from being the Margot Robbie Cillian Murphy 7 21 23 shirt In addition,I will do this default and the less-expensive film stock, to something of an artistic statement. Hard-boiled detective novels became popular. These were often set in crime-ridden cities populated by tough, shady characters. It was often raining or nighttime when things happened. With dramatic lighting, B/W was perfect for capturing the mood of these gritty thrillers – and thus film-noir was born.

These kind of movies eventually became somewhat passe. But occasionally someone would deliberately make a new movie in that style, and sometimes they’d shoot in B/W even though color became the Margot Robbie Cillian Murphy 7 21 23 shirt In addition,I will do this norm during the 1950s and early 1960s. By the 1970s, only extremely low-budget movies were shot in B/W anymore. This didn’t mean they were bad movies, though. In some cases, they were artistic statements. Two of David Lynch’s earliest films, Eraserhead and The Elephant Man, are in glorious B/W. Orson Welles insisted on shooting in B/W long after it had ceased to be “normal” and gave Peter Bogdanovich tips about using a red filter to boost certain contrasts. Check out Bogdanovich’s The Last Picture Show and Paper Moon, both made in the 1970s. In Cold Blood also is a chilling visual tour-de force.

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