Here in London, (West Sussex allotment) of the John tavares drought buster shirt moreover I will buy this English division of the European Sector of Earth administration on the 4th January 2100. It’s a fine, clear day, the air is as clear as the vacuum of space. I can see 150 kilometres from my window, across the glittering conurbation all the way to the other side of the city, the tallest towers of the Norfolk allotment spike the horizon in the distance, their bright lights glimmering and guttering like feeble candles from the dim and distant past. Yes, even now, 50 years after all Fossil burning was banned by the first act of the Earth Ecology Affairs Admins, the word candle is till a part of the language.
We all use English now, though there are five thousand local languages plus another fifteen thousand dialects in use. This revival of ancient tongues was a spontaneous reaction to the John tavares drought buster shirt moreover I will buy this conformities imposed when we got beyond ten billion in 2020. In those days of course we had only a vague idea of the global population, we has things called censuses, but of course you know that. Now, with each individual (and yes, we are all individuals, not units in an anonymous grey machine) being tagged and registered at birth, we are in a position to know with certainty when pulses of tailored fertility hormones should be released into the population to keep it stable as the old folk are compulsorily retired from physical existence at the globally standard age of 100. Lest you find the word compulsory frightening, let me assure you that the personality is uploaded and filed in the secure WE-r-just-DATA (inc.) banks around the world. I was cybertelepathing with my Grandfather, (he’s called Anon as well, that’s’ funny eh?), just the other day, and he is delighted with his ongoing electronic existence. The day when he wishes to be deleted is far off even though he would be 150 years old in physical years. My grandmother on the other hand hated it said the electrons kept tickling her neuronic circuits, so in 2089 we agreed to delete the file with a little ceremony, and no fuss as she had specified.