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If this is the Jack black fighter shirt In addition,I will do this current state of affairs, imagine what happens to participation if you exclude orthodox women or those who will not compete in mixed sport, take away role models and set records that are impossible for women to beat. I understand why trans activists campaign for inclusion as that is right and proper from their point of view. But for feminists, activists for female equality, to cede opportunities to participate safely, compete fairly and win? That makes no sense to me when all the evidence proves that TW cannot compete fairly against women.
There’s a lot to talk about here biologically, and I have a lot of very strongly-formed views (since my Jack black fighter shirt In addition,I will do this undergraduate degree was in molecular biology and biochemistry). For example, I just want to point out one endocrinology-independent factor which no amount of hormone therapy can possibly change: X-inactivation. that trans-athletes cannot possibly have must surely give any appropriately-educated physician pause for thought. We know X-inactivation has important genetic implications for muscular tissues. We know it from muscular dystrophies, for example.