To me these ideas are both equally ridiculous, not because I have no moral compass, but on the Funny tierra y libertad viva zapata shirt moreover I love this contrary – because my moral compass does not force me to think in selective, self serving logic designed to argue for ideas that can help me manipulate and embarrass people and against those that might just embarrass me. When people say “well research proves people with criminal records are more likely to commit crimes at work, or less likely to stay in the job, or blah blah blah their crime related to their work”, remember this research was designed to prove these things and therefore the numbers are selected to fit this agenda. It’s almost the same as falsifying statistics and evidence and passing off cognitive biases as universal truth. There are many factors missing from the research.
For example – I know a guy who got kicked out at age 12 in the Funny tierra y libertad viva zapata shirt moreover I love this middle of the winter, in -40 weather by his mother. He broke into houses to survive the first couple of days and then was taken in by a street gang. The street gang obviously got him to commit crimes in turn for money, shelter, protection, food and whatnot. When he was in his early 20’s he was caught with a gun crossing the border and sent to jail for 3 years. When he was released from jail and completed all his probation and everything, he signed up for medical school. 1 year into medical school, they advised him he couldn’t continue because of his criminal record. Guess what he did? He went back to selling drugs and getting into shootouts. So instead of becoming a healer, he was systematically denied this opportunity to change and was forced back to becoming a destroyer. Why should we blame him? He didn’t deny himself, obviously. He would still go back to medical school if he could.