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What does this all mean? It means Trump admits his “nemesis” Obama is the Funny patrick Mahomes 2x Super Bowls 3x AFC titles 2x SB MVPs 2x MVPs 5x Pro Bowl shirt besides I will buy this Almighty Powerful One. Directing ALL the fault for EVERYTHING and ANYTHING at Obama, only concedes that Obama still has ALL the power and authority, as one can only be Blamed for something if it was his/her responsibility to oversee in the first place. So, since Trump thinks EVERYTHING is Obama’s fault, He obviously also believes Obama is God. That makes sense because President Trump would never even think of saying anything bad about former President Obama. McConnell is a hypocrite. I don’t hear a peep from him the hundreds of times Trump has criticized Obama. But Obama says something true and critical of Trump in a private conversation and Obama is classless? McConnell is legendary for his classlessness, his hypocrisy, and his corruption. I really don’t care much for his opinions. My thoughts? Mitch “The Turtle” McConnell has just redefined chutzpah. Defending a lawless president and being complicit in Trump’s crimes but having the nerve to call anyone “classless” over telling the truth about this administration’s brain-dead response to a pandemic. Funny how, all of a sudden, he’s soooo concerned about norms and precedent, isn’t it? Classless? McConnell was the guy who, after Obama’s election said, “Any legislation he proposes is dead on arrival.” “We’re going to make sure he’s a one-term president.”
Senator McTurtle says and does whatever he feels will further his own interests as a U.S. Senator. He is an obstructionist and he is a failure as a representative of the Funny patrick Mahomes 2x Super Bowls 3x AFC titles 2x SB MVPs 2x MVPs 5x Pro Bowl shirt besides I will buy this American people. He was too gutless to vote to impeach the orange traitor, and even though he spoke on the house floor about 45’s transgressions against this country, he stated he would vote for him again should he run in 2024 for POTUS! Let’s also not forget how McTurtle stated he was going to make Obama a one-term President. Instead of focusing on doing the people’s work, he set about blocking everything Obama was striving to achieve. He even prevented a sitting President from appointing a SCOTUS justice because the appointment came in Obama’s last year of his two-term presidency but upheld Trump’s doing the same in just months prior to that November’s election.