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As the Dallas stars logo shirt it is in the first place but 4th estate, the press recognizes its obligation to serve as the watchdogs over public affairs and the government. It is the public service they exist to provide. A government which works actively to diminish that scrutiny is not a government I would trust. It’s somewhat disturbing to see how easily people are lead down the road of distrust for an industry that holds itself to immensely high standards for integrity because it’s a convenient way to avoid uncomfortable pieces of reality. Read the code of ethics. That code is what ‘Real News” is. Yes, the entire staff of the Washington Post is absolutely held strictly to these standards. And yes, the paper’s editorial slant, as everyone knows, leans just as left as the Wall Street Journal’s slants right. Neither would violate these ethical standards. Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
If a source contacts a news outlet and chooses to share information anonymously, that is both the Dallas stars logo shirt it is in the first place but individual’s choice, and the news outlet’s right to publish that information. Whether the individual is breaking a law or regulation or some other organizational prohibition is not the news outlet’s problem. We are seeing this stated over and over by talking heads on every network and cable news outlet when discussing federal government “leaks.” That is not to say any information shared anonymously should be be taken as gospel; it is incumbent on a news organization to practice due diligence and make an honest effort to verify the shared information.