If Bernie’s popularity keeps up the Best the crow witch has returned shirt besides I will buy this same trendline while more people learn about him–an If, to be sure, but a reasonable one–that will continue to cut into Hillary’s support. Remember, last year she was the inevitable candidate. Just like in 2007. The same goes for his policies. Bernie has laid out what he wants for the US: higher wages for the working class and the middle class, a more robust safety net that includes high quality affordable healthcare for all, more public education for the public, demilitarized police departments, and building a more respectful society. Most of us are tired of the politics of fear and hate, tired of working harder for lower wages, and tired of footing the bill for another big paycheck for already wealthy interests. Sure, Bernie will raise taxes–a bit on most of us, more for the wealthy–but those taxes are an investment in reducing our costs.
People are enthusiastic about him. I have no doubt that some Hillary Clinton supporters are enthusiastic about her, make no mistake, but I have talked with plenty more Democratic voters who are voting for her out of fear that Bernie is like George McGovern in 1972. This is not enthusiasm for Hillary, it’s fear of the Best the crow witch has returned shirt besides I will buy this TOP (Trump Old Party). Bernie’s supporters are, as a rule, very enthusiastic about Bernie. He’s not engaging in personal attacks, he’s talking about reinvigorating the counrty, and he’s talking about providing for the common defence and promoting the general Welfare. He’s not just talking nibbles around the edges here either. He’s talking boldly. At the same time, he knows that this is more than about him. He’s communicating a downballot message that is vitally important for a sane, progressive, inclusive country.
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