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America on the Best fleetwood’s on front st. maui hawaii restaurant logo shirt besides I will buy this other hand is a bit different. There’s a lot of racial tension over there. While the government has a hard stance against racism, it’s still very much there. From what I can see, America seems to combat racism with racism. Some places will have a large amount of black people being put in a difficult situation, and other places will have black people be considered as true equals. So the government’s response to the black people being put in a bad situation is to allow certain forms of affirmative action. Meaning that black people as a whole will have better opportunities in America than what they previously had. Meaning that the ones that didn’t do so well are now doing better. And those who did just as good as white people, are now doing better than white people.

This is where a lot of tension comes from. I can understand both sides of the Best fleetwood’s on front st. maui hawaii restaurant logo shirt besides I will buy this racial problem and I honestly don’t know what courses of actions should be taken. However, America’s racism problem should remain in America. Don’t try shoving your racist notions onto the European cultures. Just because in America monkeys are apparently associated with black people. It doesn’t mean that Europeans do the same.