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Do you honestly think Donald Trump could match Emperor Norton? If Trump did declare himself Emperor he would be carted off in a straight jacket with is motely administration quicker than he could say antidisestablishmentarianism though knowing Trump it would take him several days to manage “Anti-distinctly-minty-monetarism”. He is looking forward to it, he will be able to make big profits just like Elvis did and also Johnny Cash. One thing I think that most Americans are blissfully unaware of is the Best drive chip & gulp shirt so you should to go to store and get this virtual collapse of the reputation of the USA abroad. From the average person-in-the-street to the highest levels of government, the USA is now seen as venal, untrustworthy, and in many cases flat out batshit-crazy. You might want to do your usual bury-head-in-sand act, but this stuff is actually deeply damaging. America has had its greatest successes when it has cooperated with other nations. For 100 years, the USA has been a destination country for the best and brightest of the world. Entire regions and alliances have been formed with the backing of the USA.
Now, this is waning. Even your closest allies realize that you can no longer be trusted. Parents are actively deciding not to send their kids to school in the Best drive chip & gulp shirt so you should to go to store and get this USA. As more and more countries develop, they supply fewer and fewer immigrants to the USA. Your incredibly stupid trade wars are going to further drive your balance of trade into negative territory. All of this would be somewhat understandable, if you were aware of it. But I spend a great deal of time in the USA, and it is clear that you are deluded. You still think that the 1950s will come back, if you just stop those pesky Chinese imports. You really believe that you are number one, despite the fact that you are not even close. In fact, there are respected economists who show that the USA is regressing to the status of a developing nation: An MIT economist says the US has regressed to a developing nation status