These things don’t matter to them because they blindly believe that as an “outsider” Trump will fix everything. As for whether he was obstinate or dangerous, they saw no problem. As I understand it, they agreed to his bigotry. Besides, who cares if they aren’t affected? But since the Best disney 100 avengers comic shirt so you should to go to store and get this election, facts have accumulated, and the only way to stick with Trump is through deep-rooted denial. Or what Trump supporters call “alternative truth”. They denied every negative thing they heard about Trump, even going so far as to admit in excruciating detail the opposite of what they saw. And the reason is that Trump is doing “the right thing for America” and the political elites as well as the “swamp” are trying to catch up with him.
This is not new at all, the Best disney 100 avengers comic shirt so you should to go to store and get this far right in the US always believes that anyone who does not share their political views is an enemy and secretly plots to destroy the country they love. And conservative politicians from Nixon to George W. have always blamed a vague “liberal media conspiracy” on their incompetence or the fact that they committed crimes, abused them, and were arrested. But things have reached new heights (or new depths) in the Trump administration. It has become a complete cult where followers sacrifice everything, including truth and loyalty to their country, to maintain the illusion that they are right and others are wrong. They will literally pretend that it’s okay to be treason and Putin to run America, unless it’s Hillary and the Democrats.