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Well as a Black man from the Awesome willie nelson roll me up and smoke me when I die signature shirt Also,I will get this South that actually likes NASCAR….if it was anybody other than Trump, I would be offended. Nothing that come out of that guy’s mouth even surprises me anymore, which is sad to say about the President of the United States. I think trump is a thin skinned, racist, sociopathic narcissist. This never Trump conservative and many others knew what he would be like from past behavior and since past behavior is a good predictor of future behavior, well there we have it! What kind of Leader of the Free World with self-denied pandemic raging, race relations in need of serious and long lasting remedy, an economy on the verge of serious collapse due to unemployment, huge public debt, significant private debt, mortgage and auto payment default, significant Climate issues, Kim with nuclear missiles capable of reaching the U.S, Putin interfering in U.S. Elections and, in my opinion, paying Trump to put America in chaos, and Xi, who knows?
Trump cares about Trump, always has, always will. He does not care about America or its people. Most of his supporters have fallen for the Awesome willie nelson roll me up and smoke me when I die signature shirt Also,I will get this Con. Those that have not we need to chase back under the rocks from which they came. This great country can no longer tolerate the kind of vitriol and division that’s trump feeds upon. Bubba Wallace, Kaepernick and others are contemporary Jackie Robinson’s but they and the Black people they represent cannot wait for the respect and dignity that all Americans were guaranteed in the Declaration of Independence and Constitution. This is not about special privileges but is about equal rights under the Constitution and law.