It’s Answer 1: because they’re universally perceived by their own industry as biased propagandists and dishonest purveyors of the Awesome penn State #32 Keon Wylie shirt Additionally,I will love this news. FoxNews isn’t about journalism. Fox has the resources to create great content if it wanted to. It’s owned by one of the largest media organizations in the world. But Murdoch and Roger Ailes chose instead for it to be a propaganda machine for their right wing politics and later a cheer squad for the batshit Trumplican party. FoxNews saw the last of its credible broadcast journalists depart with a disgusted Chris Wallace.
CNN deals in real news. Occasionally they get it wrong, sometimes they drop the Awesome penn State #32 Keon Wylie shirt Additionally,I will love this ball in the rush to be the first to break the news. But they always get it right in the end. Such cannot be said for Fox News. Of Course NOT. CNN has a Liberal ( Left ) Bias. Just as FOX has a Conservative ( RIGHT ) Bias. TV Networks are “Businesses” and as such the must satisfy their Sponsors or lose their support. Neither is “Impartial” as much as they would like for you to believe that they are. The Network has an agenda, and that agenda is to make money, entice sponsors and investors, and to achieve the highest possible ratings. That’s it. No Magic, just business. They slant their presentations to keep sponsors and inventor’s money coming in. “Truth”..well, that’s way down the line of importance.