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He was an egotistical bully businessman. No different than he is today. If you want to know, watch old episodes of the Awesome never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Football And Loves Broncos Brisbane Shirt Additionally,I will love this Apprentice or any commercials he’s made. Or you can google interviews he’s done for Howard Stern or other hosts. You’ll see he was crude, egotistical, and obnoxious with a very limited vocabulary. In other words, exactly like he is now. He was an accomplished promoter, and an utter failure as a businessman. He routinely violated contracts, and damaged or destroyed small businesses that were naive enough, or foolish enough, to do business with him. He lost money running a casino, which is theoretically impossible. The most significant feature of his path in life is that it shows he is not an honorable man. One third of Americans voted for, and approve of the conduct, of a man with no sense of honor. This is horrifying to me. He was an arrogant, incompetent, immoral hack. he was the personification of everything described as the “Ugly American,” a human hemorrhoid, an embarrassment to humanity. Basically the same as now, only with less power. The power of the Presidency gave him permission, or so he thought, to continue being the malignant narcissist he always was. Compounded many times over. He had a thirty year history cheating people and institutions out of whatever he could before becoming president. That didn’t change after becoming president, and it didn’t change after he got booted out of the White House.
One of the Awesome never Underestimate A Woman Who Understands Football And Loves Broncos Brisbane Shirt Additionally,I will love this wisest things Michelle Obama said was this: I’ve seen firsthand that being president doesn’t change who you are. It reveals who you are. #45 was pretty much exactly the same before the presidency as he has been during: a liar, a bad businessman, a cheat, a philanderer, and a generally unlikeable person. (Full disclosure: I never cared for him from the first time I read about him in the 80’s. My opinion then was the he was a charlatan, and that hasn’t changed one iota over the years.) The same as he is as President a crook, a serial liar, a wannabe crime boss, a narcissistic egomonger, a reprobate, a coward and a bully as well as a crybaby