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So again, let’s get some needling going: Feynman was wrong, for Bohm did the impossible. Indeed, he had done it in 1952, a full nine years before Feynman delivered his lectures. And de Broglie had presented a similar theory another two decades before that. In order to bring out the further oddness (or non-classicality) of quantum mechanics — and also force hidden-variable explanations like de Broglie-Bohm to reveal their non-locality — one needs to head away from Feynman’s example. The EPR set-up, or — more powerfully — Bell’s variation with off-set spins/polarisation axes, does precisely this, by introducing multi-particle entanglement. In order to explain these experimental results, “classical-like” explanations like de Broglie-Bohm have to resort to non-local dependence on the settings of experimental apparatus. (Of course, Bell’s results also show that this is a general requirement). Schrödinger had spelled this out, thirty years before Feynman: you can’t get to the heart of quantum mechanics without recognising entanglement.