Consciousness I simple words is awareness of internal and external existence and properly exists as a distinct entity. However, its nature has led to millennia of analyses, explanations and debate by philosophers, theologians, and all of science. Opinions differ about what exactly needs to be studied or even considered consciousness. Many scholars have argued that no scientific theory can truly explain consciousness. Sci… It will be understood, just not yet. We already understand it much better than 100 years ago. Consciousness is collapse of Bose Einstein condensate of memory. Penrose ORCH OR. Memory is written as bit string of nitric oxide to microtubules. When streched MT relax bit string bear BEC. This simple mechanism work in all Eukaryotes. In brain memory is saved inside of myelin sheaths. When the wrap loosens all MT bit strings relax and play their BECs. Oligodentrocytes associates myelin sheaths together. The nature of Conscious-ness is subtle. It is invisible to the naked eye. It is not physical.
