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Official I’m Hurtin’ Linda 2024 Shirt

Ảnh của tác giả: Squadgifts StoreSquadgifts Store

Good luck to everyone who is retired and getting to the Official I’m Hurtin’ Linda 2024 Shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this end of their bucket list – there is still lots of time left to enjoy it all!! When you get old, I hope you’re broke, destitute, homeless, impoverished, hungry and no one is willing to help you. I have worked 42 years paying into a savings account called social security. This was forced upon me thru taxes to be paid back upon retirement. I get about 20 cents on the dollar the government took from me and now you ask me to do community work to get my money! HIW DARE YOU YOU ENTITLED BITCH!!! First off, years ago here in California there was much stink about people double dipping by getting one pension (from the military) then going on TO GET ANOTHER JOB to EARN another pension (in State Government, or vice versa with first pension), all legally! So your question of pensioners being TO LAZY (at least some) is bullshit! Second, because of their age, assuming they worked until a retirement age of 65 or greater, why the HELL should they have to get another job because of your ignorance/opinion and not be able to enjoy their retirement if they can afford too?

If you reach that age you will know the Official I’m Hurtin’ Linda 2024 Shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this deficulty they are facing. Once you cross 55 you will get knee pain,health issues, loss of memories etc. And if they are not financially strong and family not well settled how much mental pressure they will be facing, elders only know. I,like most elderly People worked from 1965–2004,then had to retire after paying Social Security TAXES! for 39 years. I didn’t retire because I didn’t want to work or because I was lazy,but because I COULDN’T work. I own my house and land outright[no mortgage] and don’t beg for anything. I paid much more than the “return” I get every month. If You live in a Country that has an “Oldfolks retirement” system,then keep working and refuse your stipend.

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