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Mapache Sweetwater Music Hall, Mill Valley, CA May 19, 2024 shirt

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but as to normal emotions and attitudes, you can train your human mind to see and appreciate things differently to typical conditioned views.. logic – within your enemies must be one or two who should you be forced together in some survival reality, without doubt you would start seeing an enemy, as more like you than a devil image.. getting to know each other in such circumstances, would include sharing stories of your youth or even babyhood, thus seeing them and they you, in that light, as well as, other relationships.. Firstly you will ask yourself who is your enemy. There are certain people we call enemies whom God has used one way or the Mapache Sweetwater Music Hall, Mill Valley, CA May 19, 2024 shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this other to strengthen us or make us to sit up in life. You may not want to be careful with what you eats till someone has threatened to poison you. What of the person that had spoiled your name? Do you know he has helped you to manage hearts failure and shock’s so that if another moment of such comes we will see it as normal. Why do we call God a double edged sword? When he bless us we thank him and when he denies us we say we shall not worship him again. Your enemy is your intuition, your weakness to understand proper and inability to know that things will change for better tomorrow. What do your heart feels at a moment. How can we forgive if someone has not offended us. Jesus Christ said, do unto others what you want others do unto you. If your brother refused to continue helping you with your request needs and you decided to start making money by yourself working harder will you call him your enemy? To you he has become your enemy but to a wise fellow he has become your good friend for his disappointments has strengthened your hands to work hard. There are some people that does sit up or learns in a hard way. It’s said every disappointment is a blessing. It’s that person you had tagged your enemy for disappointing you had made you work skillfully with your hands. A man that told your Rich father not to spend on you anymore will you not send some thanks message if you move on and hit a good job. Note it, one door closes for other door’s to open. A man that refused to lift you with his car on a journey and you took a bus for the same journey after frowning. Later you heart his car had an accident on the same route can you call him your enemy? Love your neighbor as yourself. Everybody did not come sane way and will not go same way mind us. Sometimes those we call enemies helps us become stronger in life. Your enemy is your lack of good understanding and impatience. Keep doing well and never counting wrongs. That is how to love your enemies.

It is ONLY in this holding to our false identity that the Mapache Sweetwater Music Hall, Mill Valley, CA May 19, 2024 shirt but I will buy this shirt and I will love this little “me” thinks the little “him” is a jerk. But in truth, al of these conflicts are just a bunch of ideas that have no foundation in our reality, UNLESS we choose to partake. Meaning that its only in our judgments of “their ignorance” and our egoism that seeks to change them, usually by hateful or fearful rhetoric which then leads to confrontations and forceful interactions, that ironically sees the so called “good guys” play the part of the devil. This is why, it is said “BE in the world not of it” This being “in the world” is our every form of egoic pursuit, our money, status, desires for pleasures and power are but mere poor substitutes for being free of all of them. And is when the ego DIES.. that we are born again. No longer do we see “others”.. realizing that they/we with their/our little collection of thoughts, beliefs and their subsquent actions, but the spirit that lay beneath this facade of mind/body/ego.

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