Sleeping on the Jacksonville Jaguars it’s draft week shirt in contrast I will get this left side allows gravity to encourage the food waste to move more easily from the small intestine into the large intestine through the ICV. As the night wears on and you continue to sleep on your left side, the waste moves more easily into the descending colon. With the help of gravity and a good night’s sleep on the left the side, the descending colon is full of waste to easily eliminate completely each morning. Sleeping on the left also allows much of the intestines to hang away from the very thin-walled inferior vena cava (IVC) which brings venous blood back toward the heart. Interestingly, the IVC lies against the right side of the spine, so when you lie on the left much of the viscera falls away from the IVC. Here again, gravity is just making the heart’s job a little easier. In Ayurveda , it is common practice to rest on the left side of the body after taking a meal. Ayurveda suggests a short, ten minute rest on the left side to help the body properly digest the food.
The stomach and the Jacksonville Jaguars it’s draft week shirt in contrast I will get this pancreas (which make digestive enzymes) hang like slings on the left side. When you lie on the left side, the stomach and pancreas hang naturally, allowing for optimal and efficient digestion. The food is encouraged to move through the stomach naturally and the pancreatic enzymes are released as needed rather than all at once, which might happen more easily than if you were on the right side with the pull of gravity. 1. On recommendation of Mr. Rohit Dogra, please consult with your doctor before following this. Usually nobody thinks about how someone is sleeping, this was just a additional health fact.