Vhulivhadza is mixed with other medicine to discourage enemies from doing harm to a person by making them forget and postpone their plans. It is an ingredient of medicines used for keeping a married woman at home by making her forget her previous social ties. Vhulivhadza [sometimes mixed with root powder of Osyris lanceolata Hochst. & Steud. (Santalaceae) is added to a newly married bride’s food (without her knowledge) so that after eating it she should not remember her childhood home and forget her earlier social ties and stay at her husband’s home. It was also said that no matter what difficulty she is experiencing with her husband, she should not think of going back home Mixed with food, it is given to a marriage partner (or secret lover) to eat so that he/she forgets about other social ties and only concentrate on the Chris Packham Store Badgers Shirt Additionally,I will love this one who had administered the vhulivhadza .
It is mixed with water or medication that is given to a patient with chronic pain or one suffering from a disease. The aim is to make him or her forget about the Chris Packham Store Badgers Shirt Additionally,I will love this pain while they are still under treatment by a traditional healer, in order to facilitate the healing process . Vhulivhadza is mixed with cooked seeds of Arachis hypogaea L. (nḓuhu, nḓuhumange; groundnut), Vigna subterranea (L.) Verdc. (phonḓa; Bambara groundnut) and Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp. (muṋawa; cow pea) and is given to an orphaned child to eat with the person they want him or her to attach to and connect with, i.e., to make the child forget the deceased mother and to adapt to the foster parent.
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