So what’s the Blink-182 colombia celebrates 182 day poster shirt and by the same token and purpose of all this universe and everything contained within? Feynman doesn’t know. But science paints the picture of the world that is closer to the reality than any other mechanisms used by humans. It’s with science we made huge progress in how we view the world. Even if you’re a devout Christian, you’ll be hard pressed to accept the world view of a Christian who lived in 2000 years ago. For them, the world was small and flat, the centre of the universe was the Earth, God controlled the weather, and so on.
Humans were in constant fear of not knowing. When their fellow men got sick and died due to epidemic, they didn’t have the Blink-182 colombia celebrates 182 day poster shirt and by the same token and faintest idea that there are such things as bacteria. So they said God did it: it was the rage of God (or Sky, Moon, River, rock, or whatever they worshiped at the time) and he was punishing them. Naturally, they thought they should appease God by giving him something. For example, when weather was terribly dry and people couldn’t get drinking water, they might have tried to sacrifice something valuable to them: the birth of the idea of scapegoat. They may have killed one of their precious livestock and performed a ceremony. And if in the next day rain started to drop, they made this wrong causal relationship between the scapegoat and God controlling the climate to rain.