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The point is it took me several years to reach 145′. You don’t get there overnight. By that time, I knew my limits. My body knew the precise movements and motions to make for me to perform to the best of my ability. I pushed myself a little past my previous performance in attempts to go further. Many times I made little mistakes and paid for it with scary looking ass end over band box crashes. Other times I found myself performing at a higher level. The same principles apply towards success in any sport including baseball be it fielding, throwing, batting, or running the bases. By the time one does reach that level of expertise, they know their skill set. Running to first base is the most basic of the skills. By not hustling to first base or at any position is one way to get a full time seat on the bench. There’s an element of risk in every human endeavor, and sports is not exception. Players are expected to go all out in order to win regardless of the risk of injury. Of course, sound judgement and common sense should always prevail in order to minimize the risk of injury.